
Diploma in Financial Planning

A diploma in financial planning course is a program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to become a professional financial planner. The course typically covers a wide range of topics, including investment planning, retirement planning, risk management, tax planning, estate planning, and ethics. The course is typically offered by universities, colleges, and professional organizations and may be completed either online or in person. The duration of the program can vary, but it typically takes one to two years to complete.

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Taxation Expertise
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Career Development
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Retirement Planning
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Financial Principles
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Legal Considerations
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Tax Fundamentals
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Personal Finance
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Ethical Standards

Course Objectives

Understand Role of Information Systems.

Develop Customized Investment Plans.

Identify Career Goals and Strategies.

Create Business Financial Plans.

Explore Retirement Planning Strategies.

Manage Personal Finances Effectively.

Plan for Retirement Successfully.

Strategize for Tax Minimization.

Analyze Business and Family Law.

Implement Career Development Techniques.

Student Journey throughout the course

At New Brunswick College of Business and Technology, the Diploma in Financial Planning program will take you on a revolutionary journey. Begin by learning the principles of efficient corporate communication and the function of information systems in modern organisations. Continue to learn important financial planning ideas and techniques such as budgeting, investing, and retirement planning. Explore personal money management and legal aspects in financial planning for both enterprises and families. Improve your understanding of income tax basics and tax planning tactics. Investigate ethical concerns in financial planning as well as the professional standards anticipated in the industry. End your trip with the information and abilities necessary to navigate the complicated world of financial planning and make educated decisions to ensure your financial future.

Student Journey

Get Ready for an In-Demand Career

Our Diploma in Financial Planning program equips you with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic financial services sector.

Graduates of the “Diploma in Financial Planning” program have a variety of career opportunities in Canada, including:

  • Financial Advisor/Planner
  • Wealth Manager
  • Personal Banking Officer
  • Investment Officer
  • Financial Services Representative
  • Credit Counselor
  • Trust Administrator
  • Budget Analyst
  • Portfolio Manager

Course content

12 Modules

Diploma in Financial Planning” Course

Interactive sessions

Online/offline learning

Realtime industry oriented teaching

Completion certificate from NBBT

24*7 Course material access

One-on-one interaction with mentor

Get more information

View the course package for a detailed curriculum, financing, options, and more.