
Fundamentals of Records Management

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Records Management Course at New Brunswick College of Business and Technology. This detailed program aims to provide you with the essential skills to manage records efficiently in today's digital age. Through a blend of theoretical learning and practical exercises, students can develop a solid understanding of records management concepts and gain hands-on experience applicable to different industries.

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Data security
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Privacy laws
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Efficient indexing
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Legal obligations
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Mitigation planning
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Case studies
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Scheduling rules
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Records management

Course Objectives

Understand the importance of records management.

Design efficient indexing systems.

Recognize rules for record retention.

Handle electronic records in digital environments.

Preserve records for long-term access.

Study various record types and life cycles.

Organize electronic and physical records.

Implement safe record disposal strategies.

Ensure privacy and data security.

Plan for disaster mitigation and recovery.

Student Journey throughout the course

The Fundamentals of Records Management course at New Brunswick College of Business and Technology will take students to master the intricacies of managing records effectively. They get into the significance of records management in various sectors, learn classification and indexing techniques, and understand the legal and ethical considerations involved. With the help of practical exercises and case studies, students can apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, receiving valuable feedback from experienced professionals to refine their skills and become proficient records managers.

Student Journey

Get Ready for an In-Demand Career

With our Fundamentals of Records Management course, you can acquire the essential skills in organizing, classifying, and maintaining records to meet the growing demand for effective information management in various industries. Prepare yourself for rewarding opportunities in records management roles across the sectors like healthcare, finance, government, and more.

After the “Fundamentals of Records Management” program you will have a variety of career opportunities in Canada, including:

  • Records Manager
  • Records Coordinator
  • Document Controller
  • Information Management Specialist
  • Records Analyst
  • Compliance Officer

Course content

7 Modules

Fundamentals of Records Management” Course

Interactive sessions

Online/offline learning

Realtime industry oriented teaching

Completion certificate from NBBT

24*7 Course material access

One-on-one interaction with mentor

Get more information

View the course package for a detailed curriculum, financing, options, and more.